Sep 10, 2007

Why Raila Can't Win Kenya's Presidency

Somewhat did I fathom that Raila's ODM party was up and about plotting some shenanigans to headline in the media. The media refers to a recent break into ODM offices as a "raid" whereas Raila's party concludes that it was a "break-in".

Raila's tactics are bound to alienate him and his ODM political party from the rest of Kenyans. Raila enjoy using provocative words when making speech. For instance, recently did he say that "he is prepared to win the war". What war is Raila fighting?
War is serious business, and Kenya is at no War. Some Kenyans are compelled to believe that war means destabilizing the country during the campaign and election period. This can translate into political party members thinking through their asses instead of using their biological brains. The fact is that Raila sounds more militant than a civilized statesman. By invoking words like war, Tsunami and the likes will not be helpful to his presidential ambitions, at least not to the Kikuyus, the largest population in Kenya, who were mercilessly slaughtered by white people during the struggle to regain Kenya back.
Its time Raila grows up politically if he is to be the next president of Kenya.

Kenyans should honor all those who died for them.

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